BB brit Logo Rus"GazpromNeft - Bitumen Materials" is the operator of Gazprom Neft's bitumen business and one of the major players in the Russian market of bitumen and bitumen-derived products for industrial, civil and infrastructure construction.

The product range of the company includes more than 300 items, including high-tech bitumen-derived products of the "Brit" brand: mastics, sealants, joint tapes, primers, as well as rolled bitumen-polymer materials.

BB brit Praimer 2

Experts of the in-house Research and Development Center (RDC) are developing a new generation of bitumen materials that become a driver for extending the life cycle of construction projects.

Using "Brit" materials and process engineering solutions guarantees consumers an extended life of construction facilities and reliable protection against destructive effects and factors. All bitumen materials meet international quality standards.

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"Brit" bitumen-polymer mastics – professional materials for waterproofing roofs and foundations of buildings and facilities. They have high strength properties, resistance to aggressive media and a wide temperature range of application.

"Brit" professional bitumen primers – Professional bitumen primers "Brit" - provide high adhesion to various types of subbases for waterproofing and anti-corrosion coatings using bitumen mastics, rolled and other bitumen materials.

BB brit Rulon 3"Brit" Premium, high-tech roll bitumen-polymer materials are reliable waterproofing of roofs and other building structures suitable for use in all climatic zones.

The full list of products and services is available on the website: 


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