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The company has been producing paving slabs and landscaping elements for 27 years. The production line is fully equipped with German equipment from Masa Gmbh and KOBRAformen. The semi-dry vibration pressing technology used ensures high strength of our products. Since 2023, the company has been part of the Vybor Group of Companies.

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The company’s products are produced using the semi-dry vibration pressing method and belong to the premium segment. Slabs created using this technology meet international quality standards, and their wear resistance has been tested over many years of use in each of the 4 climatic zones of the country. All products are manufactured in accordance with GOST 17608-2017 of ST RK ISO 9001-2009 (Certificate of Conformity No. KZ.7100635.07.03.05799).

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Our products have undeniable advantages:

  • exact shape;
  • smooth joints when paving;
  • ease of laying the slab;
  • a high degree of compaction of the concrete mixture used, as a result of which the manufactured products have high technical characteristics and a long service life.
  • natural stones are used in the textured layer of the product.
  • only high-quality additive-free cement binders are used.

A complete list of products and services can be found on the company’s website, as well as detailed information on social networks.


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